Lawyer found dead in car; police investigate case

Jessyka Alessandra da Conceição. Foto: Facebook
Jessyka Alessandra da Conceição. Photo: Facebook

The Civil Police are investigating the case of lawyer Jessyka Alessandra da Conceição, 29 years old, who was found dead inside a car in the city of Novo Progresso, in the southeast of Pará, in the South of Brazil.

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The case:

The lawyer had a wound on her forehead. In a note sent to IstoÉ, the Civil Police reported that ammunition casings and a .380 caliber firearm were found at the location;
Subsequently, a forensic team was called in, and the body was taken to the Legal Medical Institute (IML) of the region;
The portal asked the police force if any suspect in the crime had been identified, but only received the information that “diligences are being carried out to investigate the case;
The Order of Lawyers of Brazil (OAB) Pará reported that the president of the Commission for the Defense of Prerogatives of the OAB-PA, Braz Mello, has filed a request with the authorities demanding a quick investigation that results in the arrest of the perpetrator of the crime. “As well as clarifying the motivation, especially if it is linked to her professional practice as a lawyer,” he concluded.

Jessyka Alessandra da Conceição. Foto: Facebook
Jessyka Alessandra da Conceição. Foto: Facebook

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